Four Foundations of Mindfulness

The Buddha taught four foundations of mindfulness which are set out in a progressive order and serve as foundations to discover wisdom and liberation :

1) Mindfulness of body
2) Mindfulness of feelings
3) Mindfulness of mind
4) Mindfulness of mental objects

The mindfulness developed with these practices is always the same : to be aware of what is.

Eight Worldly Concerns

Back in the 1970s, Lama Zopa Rinpoche compassionately taught us again and again the evils of the eight worldly concerns. Here’s what they are, listed in four pairs with each revolving around a certain kind of object.

1. Taking delight in having money and material possessions, and the other one in the pair is being disappointed, upset, angry when we lose them or don’t get them.

2. Feeling delighted when people praise us and approve of us and tell us how wonderful we are, and the converse is feeling very upset and dejected when they criticize us and disapprove of us – even if they are telling us the truth!

3. Feeling delighted when we have a good reputation and a good image, and the converse is being dejected and upset when we have a bad reputation.

4. Feeling delighted when we experience sense pleasures—fantastic sights, sounds, odors, tastes and tactile sensations—and feeling dejected and upset when we have unpleasant sensations.

These eight worldly concerns keep us pretty busy in our life. Most of our life is spent trying to obtain four of them and trying to avoid the other four.

by Thubten Chodron

Keep Deep Human Affection

When we are young and again when we are old, we depend heavily on the affection of others. Between these stages we usually feel that we can do everything without help from others and that other people´s affection is simply not important. But at this stage I think it is very important to keep deep human affection.

by Dalai Lama



by 星云法师



by 印顺法师

Mind as it is

Meditation is about learning to work with the mind as it is, not about trying to force it into some sort of Buddhist straitjacket.

by Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche

You Need to Open Further

People get into a heavy-duty sin and guilt trip, feeling that if things are going wrong, that means that they did something bad and they are being punished.

That's not the idea at all. The idea of karma is that you continually get the teachings that you need to open your heart. To the degree that you didn't understand in the past how to stop protecting your soft spot, how to stop armoring your heart, you're given this gift of teachings in the form of your life, to give you everything you need to open further.

by Pema Chodron



1) 贪是贪爱五欲,对于顺境,所感乐受,而起贪欲之想,是谓之贪,贪者染着为性。

2) 嗔是对于违境,所感苦受,而起嗔恚之想,是谓之嗔,嗔者憎恚为性。

3) 痴是对于违顺诸境,苦乐诸受,而起与真理相违愚痴之想,是谓之痴,也称无明,痴者迷暗为性。









by 净空法师



by 证严法师

Do Not Find Fault With Others

Do not find fault with others. If they behave wrongly, there is no need to make yourself suffer. If you point out to them what is correct and they do not practice accordingly, leave it at that. When the Buddha studied with various teachers, he realised that their ways were lacking, but he did not disparage them. Studying with humility and respect, he benefited from his relationship with them, yet he realised that their systems were not complete. Still, he had not yet become enlightened, he did not criticise or attempt to teach them. After he found enlightenment, he respectfully remembered those had studied with and wanted to share his newfound knowledge with them.

by Ajahn Chah



Loving Kindness

Each one of us is responsible for all other living beings’ happiness, besides our own. As a result, your loving kindness is the most wish-fulfilling thing in life, more precious than anything else in this world. That makes for a most satisfying, fulfilling life.

by Lama Zopa Rinpoche



by 圣严法师

All Around Us

How does the dharma teach the proper way of life? It shows us how to live. It has many ways of showing it - on roots or trees or just in front of you. It is a teaching but not in words. So still the mind, the heart, and learn to watch. You'll find the whole dharma revealing itself here and now. At what other time and place are you going to look?

by Ajahn Brahm

Our Common Karma & Responsibility

The universe that we inhabit and our shared perception of it are the results of a common karma. Likewise, the places that we will experience in future rebirths will be the outcome of the karma that we share with the other beings living there. The actions of each of us, human or nonhuman, have contributed to the world in which we live. We all have a common responsibility for our world and are connected with everything in it.

by Dalai Lama


Namah sdeliya divi kanam
拿莫 悉地哩呀 地尾噶南
sarva tathagatanam
萨瓦 达他噶达南
om bhuvibha vadha vari vachari vachatai
奥母 部尾吧瓦达瓦利 瓦者利 瓦者泰
suru suru dhara dhara
苏鲁 苏鲁 达拉 达拉
sarva tathagata
萨瓦 达他噶达
dhatu dhari padma bhavati
达睹 达利 巴得吗 巴瓦地
mudri smara
母得利 思吗拉
tathagata dharma chakra
达他噶达 达吗 扎卡拉
vajri bodhi bana
巴者利 包地 班那
sarva tathagata dhistite
萨瓦 达他噶达 地思提地
bodhaya bodhaya
包达呀 包达呀
bodhi bodhi
包地 包地
buddhya buddhya
布达呀 布达呀
samboddhani samboddhaya
三布达你 三布达呀
chala chala
者拉 者拉
sarva varanani
萨瓦 瓦拉那你
sarva papavigate
萨瓦 巴巴尾噶地
huru huru
户鲁 户鲁
sarva sukhavigati
萨瓦 戍迦尾噶地
sarva tathagata
萨瓦 达他噶达
hridaya vajrani
和利达呀 巴者拉你
sambhara sambhara
三巴拉 三巴拉
sarva tathagata
萨瓦 达他噶达
suhaya dharani mudri
苏哈呀 达拉你 母得利
buddhi subuddhi
布地 苏布地
sarva tathagata dhistita
萨瓦 达他噶达 地思提达
dhatu garbhe svaha
达睹 噶比 斯瓦哈
samaya dhistite svaha
三吗呀 地思提地 斯瓦哈
sarva tathagata hridaya dhatu mudri svaha
萨瓦 达他噶达 和利达呀 达睹 母得利 斯瓦哈
supra tisthita stubhe tathagata dhistite huru huru hum hum svaha
苏布拉 地思提达 思度比 达他噶达 地思提地 户鲁 户鲁 轰轰 斯瓦哈
om sarva tathagata
奥母 萨瓦 达他噶达
usnisa dhatu mudrani sarva tathagatam sadha tuvi bhusita dhistite
乌思你沙 达睹 母得拉你 萨瓦 达他噶单 萨达 睹尾部西达 地思提地
hum hum svaha
轰轰 斯瓦哈