Me & Delusion

Not to identify oneself with something, or to associate things with the "me," and to see that the idea that there is a "me" which is distinct from things is a delusion - that is true wisdom.

by Dalai Lama



by 印顺法师

Disciplined Mind

There is nothing so disobedient as an undisciplined mind, and there is nothing so obedient as a disciplined mind.

by Buddha

Finding Solutions

Complaining is finding faults. Wisdom is finding solutions.

by Ajahn Brahm


一个心里充满慈悲和道德的人,即使他身上只有一件粗布外衣,也不会减轻别人对他 的尊敬;因为内在的美,如山谷的幽兰,洋溢著阵阵芳香,使人心情怡悦。

by 星云法师


人间寿命因为短暂,才更显得珍贵。难得来一趟人间,应问是否为人间发挥了自己的 良能,而不要一味求长寿。 

by 证严法师

Wrong Views

You will fall sick, experience pain, and encounter many adverse circumstances. At such times do not think, 'Although I am practicing the Dharma, I have nothing but trouble. The Dharma cannot be so great. I have followed a teacher and done so much practice, and yet hard times still befall me.'

Such thoughts are wrong views. You should realize that through the blessing and power of the practice, by experiencing sickness and other difficulties now, you are purifying and ridding yourself of negative actions.

By purifying them while you have the chance, you will later go from bliss to bliss. So do not think, 'I don't deserve this illness, these obstacles, these negative influences.' Experience your difficulties as blessings...when you do experience such difficulties, you should be very happy and avoid having adverse thoughts like, 'Why are such terrible things happening to me.

by Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche

Present Moment

Do not dwell in the past,
Do not dream of the future,
Concentrate your mind on the present moment.

by Buddha

Faults of Others

Seeing the faults of others is about missing opportunities to love. It's also about not having the skills to properly nourish ourselves with heart-warming interpretations as opposed to feeding ourselves a mental diet of poison.

When we are habituated with mentally picking out the faults of others, we tend to do this with ourselves as well. This can lead us to devalue our entire lives. What a tragedy it is when we overlook the preciousness and opportunity of our lives and our Buddha potential.

by Thubten Chodron



by 虚云法师



(1) 般若道是说明从初发心到入道见道的事,这一阶段以自利为主,重在如何通达诸法的性空之理。般若道讲的是发世俗菩提心。

(2) 方便道是说明从见道一直到达佛果的事,这一阶段以利他为主,重在如何运用方便度化众生。

(1) 发心菩提,是凡夫于生中,初发上求佛道、下化众生的大心,重在发愿,属于十信位。

(2) 伏心菩提,是菩萨发心以后,依愿力去修行,从六度中渐渐降伏烦恼,与空相应,重在行持,属于三贤位。

(3) 明心菩提,是折伏烦恼以后,进而修习止观,以般若来证悟实相,重在证悟,属于初地到七地的果位。


(4) 出到菩提,发胜义菩提心得无生法忍以后,从此渐渐庄严佛土,成熟众生,渐渐出离三界,到达究竟圆满的果位,属于八地至十地的行果。

(5) 究竟菩提,究竟断除烦恼习气,自利利他究竟,圆满证得无上正等菩提,此是如来果位。

Suffering Is Temporary

All the faults of our mind – our selfishness, ignorance, anger, attachment, guilt, and other disturbing thoughts – are temporary, not permanent and everlasting. And since the cause of our suffering – our disturbing thoughts and obscurations – is temporary, our suffering is also temporary.

by Lama Zopa Rinpoche



by 达摩大师

Witness Our Emotional Reactions

The more we witness our emotional reactions and understand how they work, the easier it is to refrain.

by Pema Chodron

Not Luxuries

Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries.
Without them, humanity cannot survive.

by Dalai Lama

The Biggest Thing

The biggest thing in the world is mind.

by Ajahn Brahm