by 虚云法师
The World is Our Teacher
Dealing With Situation
I encourage you also to observe the thoughts and emotions you're having.
You may want to write some of them down. Don't judge them, just acknowledge them. Just observe what's happening inside of you. Accept the feelings. Let them be, but don't indulge in them or get locked into the stories behind them--the stories your conceptual mind is making up about how things should be.
After you've done that, begin to examine which thoughts and feelings are supported by ignorance, which by attachment, which by anger, which by loving-kindness, which by compassion, etc.
Check which are realistic and which are seeking something that cannot come to be.
Then ask, "What are other ways to look at these situations? How would Chenresig, the Buddha of Compassion, look at them? If Chenresig were in my shoes, how would he describe what is going on? What thoughts and feelings would he cultivate to deal with the situation?"
by Thubten Chodron
You may want to write some of them down. Don't judge them, just acknowledge them. Just observe what's happening inside of you. Accept the feelings. Let them be, but don't indulge in them or get locked into the stories behind them--the stories your conceptual mind is making up about how things should be.
After you've done that, begin to examine which thoughts and feelings are supported by ignorance, which by attachment, which by anger, which by loving-kindness, which by compassion, etc.
Check which are realistic and which are seeking something that cannot come to be.
Then ask, "What are other ways to look at these situations? How would Chenresig, the Buddha of Compassion, look at them? If Chenresig were in my shoes, how would he describe what is going on? What thoughts and feelings would he cultivate to deal with the situation?"
by Thubten Chodron
True Compassion
在藏文中,<广般若>有十万颂,<中般若>有二万五千颂,<略般若>有八千颂,汉文的<大般若经>共有 六百卷,字数达五百余万。如此巨篇,对我们忙碌的现代人来说确实难以去翻阅、读诵。而《般若摄颂》囊括了般若的所有要点,可以说是一切般若的精华所在。
Love Within the Mind
Understanding and Letting Go
Like a Letter
This Karma is Ripening
So sometimes, saying “Oh good!” is a good antidote.
I’ll tell you a story about one nun who is a friend of mine. One time she was on retreat and she had a big boil on her cheek which was very painful. During the break time between her meditation sessions, she bumped into our teacher, Lama Zopa Rinpoche.
Rinpoche said, “How are you?”
She said [in a moaning tone], “Oh! I have this boil…”
And Rinpoche said, “Great! Fantastic! You’re so fortunate!”
This was of course the last thing she wanted to hear. She wanted some pity instead.
But Rinpoche said, “This is fantastic! All these negative karma that could have ripened in a horrible state, you’re experiencing it just by having a boil. How fortunate you are!”
So whenever we have some kind of physical pain or illness, if we look at it in this way, if we are able to see it from this other perspective, then we realize that it’s actually not so bad. We can bear it when we think of how it could have ripened in another way that would have brought much more suffering. And we can feel fortunate that this karma is ripening now, so then it won’t obscure our mind anymore. So this is another tool to use when you are sick.
by Thubten Chodron
I’ll tell you a story about one nun who is a friend of mine. One time she was on retreat and she had a big boil on her cheek which was very painful. During the break time between her meditation sessions, she bumped into our teacher, Lama Zopa Rinpoche.
Rinpoche said, “How are you?”
She said [in a moaning tone], “Oh! I have this boil…”
And Rinpoche said, “Great! Fantastic! You’re so fortunate!”
This was of course the last thing she wanted to hear. She wanted some pity instead.
But Rinpoche said, “This is fantastic! All these negative karma that could have ripened in a horrible state, you’re experiencing it just by having a boil. How fortunate you are!”
So whenever we have some kind of physical pain or illness, if we look at it in this way, if we are able to see it from this other perspective, then we realize that it’s actually not so bad. We can bear it when we think of how it could have ripened in another way that would have brought much more suffering. And we can feel fortunate that this karma is ripening now, so then it won’t obscure our mind anymore. So this is another tool to use when you are sick.
by Thubten Chodron
Thoughts and Feelings
If you vanquish ego-clinging today, tonight you will be enlightened. If you vanquish it tomorow, you will be enlightened tomorow night. But if you never vanquish it, you will never be enlightened. Yet ” I ” is just a thought. Thoughts and feelings have no intrinsic solidity, form, shape, or color.
by Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche
by Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche
Like a Tree in a Forest
Once a visitor asked Ajahn Chah if he was an arahant. He said, I am like
a tree in a forest. Birds come to the tree, they sit on its branches and eat
its fruits. To the birds, the fruit may be sweet or sour or whatever. The birds
say sweet or they say sour, but from the trees point of view, this is just the
chattering of birds.
by Ajahn Chah
by Ajahn Chah
A Good Heart
Real peace and happiness has to come from the heart, from within. So therefore, to eliminate wars and destroying each other,to eliminate famine, disease and earthquakes,and to eliminate all other disasters an unfavourable experiences, all this can be stopped by having loving kindness toward each other. From having a good heart with loving kindness, negative action cannot arise.
by Lama Zopa Rinpoche
Act Constructively
Our worries may zoom outward about the state
of world.
"What happens if the economy plummets? If the ozone layer keeps increasing? If we have more anthrax attacks? If the terrorists take over the country? If we lose our civil liberties fighting the terrorists?"
Here, too, our creative writing ability leads to fantastic scenarios that may or may not happen, but regardless, we manage to work ourselves into a state of unprecedented despair. This, in turn, often leads to raging anger at the powers that be or to apathy, simply thinking that since everything is rotten, there's no use doing anything.
In either case, we're so gloomy that we neglect to act constructively in ways that remedy difficulties and create goodness.
by Thubten Chodron
"What happens if the economy plummets? If the ozone layer keeps increasing? If we have more anthrax attacks? If the terrorists take over the country? If we lose our civil liberties fighting the terrorists?"
Here, too, our creative writing ability leads to fantastic scenarios that may or may not happen, but regardless, we manage to work ourselves into a state of unprecedented despair. This, in turn, often leads to raging anger at the powers that be or to apathy, simply thinking that since everything is rotten, there's no use doing anything.
In either case, we're so gloomy that we neglect to act constructively in ways that remedy difficulties and create goodness.
by Thubten Chodron
Share Fruit
But this is like some sort of sweet fruit: even though the fruit is sweet
we must rely on contact with and experience of that fruit before we will know
what the taste is like. Now that fruit, even though no-one tastes it, is sweet
all the same. But nobody knows of it. The Dhamma of the Buddha is like this.
Even though it's the truth it isn't true for those who don't really know it.
No matter how excellent or fine it may be it is worthless to them.
by Ajahn Chah
by Ajahn Chah
The View
Once you have the View, although the delusory perceptions of samsara
may arise in your mind, you will be like the sky; when a rainbow
appears in front of it, it’s not particularly flattered, and when the
clouds appear, it’s not particularly disappointed either. There is a
deep sense of contentment.You chuckle from inside as you see the facade of samsara and nirvana; the View will keep you constantly amused, with a little inner smile bubbling away all the time.
by Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche
by Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche
by 净空法师
by 净空法师
Ten Wholesome Actions
Ten Wholesome Actions :
1. Abstaining from killing living beings
2. Abstaining from stealing
3. Abstaining from sexual misconduct
4. Abstaining from false speech
5. Abstaining from malicious speech
6. Abstaining from harsh speech
7. Abstaining from gossip
8. Abstaining from coveting
9. Abstaining from ill-will
10. Possessing Right Understanding of the Dharma
1. Abstaining from killing living beings
2. Abstaining from stealing
3. Abstaining from sexual misconduct
4. Abstaining from false speech
5. Abstaining from malicious speech
6. Abstaining from harsh speech
7. Abstaining from gossip
8. Abstaining from coveting
9. Abstaining from ill-will
10. Possessing Right Understanding of the Dharma