It's often quite helpful when recognizing the problem as due to karma, to transform that problem, saying, "Okay. This is the challenge."
Instead of rejecting the problem, say, "This situation is a challenge for me to grow." Our problems are challenges for us to grow, aren't they? They really are. Often, if we look back over our life, we see the times when we've grown the most are those times we've had lots of problems. Can you look back at times when you've had problems, really painful times in your life, and look at yourself now, seeing how you are as a result of having had that experience?
And sure, it was painful. It was awful. But it's over now. It doesn't exist anymore. We lived through it. And, we actually grew in some ways. Because, in particular, when things are really a challenge, when everything seems to be falling apart around us, then, that's an excellent opportunity to find our own inner resources, and the support of our community, or within our Dharma friends in the broader society.
So, when we have problems, there really is a lot of opportunities for growth, if we take that opportunity, if we avoid retreating into our old patterns, like getting angry, or feeling sorry for ourselves.
by Thubten Chodron
Instead of rejecting the problem, say, "This situation is a challenge for me to grow." Our problems are challenges for us to grow, aren't they? They really are. Often, if we look back over our life, we see the times when we've grown the most are those times we've had lots of problems. Can you look back at times when you've had problems, really painful times in your life, and look at yourself now, seeing how you are as a result of having had that experience?
And sure, it was painful. It was awful. But it's over now. It doesn't exist anymore. We lived through it. And, we actually grew in some ways. Because, in particular, when things are really a challenge, when everything seems to be falling apart around us, then, that's an excellent opportunity to find our own inner resources, and the support of our community, or within our Dharma friends in the broader society.
So, when we have problems, there really is a lot of opportunities for growth, if we take that opportunity, if we avoid retreating into our old patterns, like getting angry, or feeling sorry for ourselves.
by Thubten Chodron
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