
I myself feel, and also tell other Buddhists that the question of Nirvana will come later. There is not much hurry;  if in day to day life you lead a good life, with honesty, with love, with compassion, with less selfishness, then automatically it will lead to Nirvana.

by Dalai Lama



by 证严法师

The Motivation of Speaking Faults

There are a few situations in which seemingly speaking of others' faults may be appropriate or necessary.

Although these instances closely resemble criticizing others, they are not actually the same. What differentiates them?

Our motivation. Speaking of others' faults has an element of maliciousness in it and is always motivated by self-concern.

by Thubten Chodron

Benefit Others

I dedicate the merit of the occasion to all beings. This gesture of universal friendship has been likened to a drop of fresh spring water. If we put it on a rock in the sunshine, it will soon evaporate. If we put it in the ocean, however, it will never be lost. Thus the wish is made that we not keep the teachings to ourselves but to use them to benefit others.

by Pema Chodron

Practise in Order to Know

Whatever we do, we should see ourselves. Reading books doesn't ever give rise to anything. The days pass by, but we don't see ourselves. Knowing about practice is practising in order to know.

by Ajahn Chah




Even for non-believers the best thing and only way to create merit (good karma) is compassion, as well as making offerings and prostrations to holy objects and circumambulating them, even by chance. What gives all beings a happy, satisfied, meaningful and successful life is compassion.

by Lama Zopa Rinpoche





Generosity should always be exercised impartially toward all – the poor, the sick, the aged, and the traveller from afar – without discrimination between friend and stranger.

by Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche



by 证严法师

Hatred and Love

Hatred does not cease by hatred, but only by love; this is the eternal rule.

by Buddha



by 星云法师



by 达摩大师



by 圣严法师

Me & Delusion

Not to identify oneself with something, or to associate things with the "me," and to see that the idea that there is a "me" which is distinct from things is a delusion - that is true wisdom.

by Dalai Lama



by 印顺法师

Disciplined Mind

There is nothing so disobedient as an undisciplined mind, and there is nothing so obedient as a disciplined mind.

by Buddha

Finding Solutions

Complaining is finding faults. Wisdom is finding solutions.

by Ajahn Brahm


一个心里充满慈悲和道德的人,即使他身上只有一件粗布外衣,也不会减轻别人对他 的尊敬;因为内在的美,如山谷的幽兰,洋溢著阵阵芳香,使人心情怡悦。

by 星云法师


人间寿命因为短暂,才更显得珍贵。难得来一趟人间,应问是否为人间发挥了自己的 良能,而不要一味求长寿。 

by 证严法师

Wrong Views

You will fall sick, experience pain, and encounter many adverse circumstances. At such times do not think, 'Although I am practicing the Dharma, I have nothing but trouble. The Dharma cannot be so great. I have followed a teacher and done so much practice, and yet hard times still befall me.'

Such thoughts are wrong views. You should realize that through the blessing and power of the practice, by experiencing sickness and other difficulties now, you are purifying and ridding yourself of negative actions.

By purifying them while you have the chance, you will later go from bliss to bliss. So do not think, 'I don't deserve this illness, these obstacles, these negative influences.' Experience your difficulties as blessings...when you do experience such difficulties, you should be very happy and avoid having adverse thoughts like, 'Why are such terrible things happening to me.

by Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche

Present Moment

Do not dwell in the past,
Do not dream of the future,
Concentrate your mind on the present moment.

by Buddha

Faults of Others

Seeing the faults of others is about missing opportunities to love. It's also about not having the skills to properly nourish ourselves with heart-warming interpretations as opposed to feeding ourselves a mental diet of poison.

When we are habituated with mentally picking out the faults of others, we tend to do this with ourselves as well. This can lead us to devalue our entire lives. What a tragedy it is when we overlook the preciousness and opportunity of our lives and our Buddha potential.

by Thubten Chodron



by 虚云法师



(1) 般若道是说明从初发心到入道见道的事,这一阶段以自利为主,重在如何通达诸法的性空之理。般若道讲的是发世俗菩提心。

(2) 方便道是说明从见道一直到达佛果的事,这一阶段以利他为主,重在如何运用方便度化众生。

(1) 发心菩提,是凡夫于生中,初发上求佛道、下化众生的大心,重在发愿,属于十信位。

(2) 伏心菩提,是菩萨发心以后,依愿力去修行,从六度中渐渐降伏烦恼,与空相应,重在行持,属于三贤位。

(3) 明心菩提,是折伏烦恼以后,进而修习止观,以般若来证悟实相,重在证悟,属于初地到七地的果位。


(4) 出到菩提,发胜义菩提心得无生法忍以后,从此渐渐庄严佛土,成熟众生,渐渐出离三界,到达究竟圆满的果位,属于八地至十地的行果。

(5) 究竟菩提,究竟断除烦恼习气,自利利他究竟,圆满证得无上正等菩提,此是如来果位。

Suffering Is Temporary

All the faults of our mind – our selfishness, ignorance, anger, attachment, guilt, and other disturbing thoughts – are temporary, not permanent and everlasting. And since the cause of our suffering – our disturbing thoughts and obscurations – is temporary, our suffering is also temporary.

by Lama Zopa Rinpoche



by 达摩大师

Witness Our Emotional Reactions

The more we witness our emotional reactions and understand how they work, the easier it is to refrain.

by Pema Chodron

Not Luxuries

Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries.
Without them, humanity cannot survive.

by Dalai Lama

The Biggest Thing

The biggest thing in the world is mind.

by Ajahn Brahm


If you desire joy,
Completely forsake all attachment.
By forsaking completely all attachment
A most excellent ecstasy is found.

So long as (you) follow attachment
Satisfaction is never found.
Who ever reverses attachment
With wisdom attains satisfaction. .

by Buddha

That's Only Memory

Read yourself, not books. Truth isn't outside, that's only memory, not wisdom. Memory without wisdom is like an empty thermos bottle - if you don't fill it, it's useless.

by Ajahn Chah



by 印顺法师

Arising Thoughts

We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts, we make the world.

by Buddha

The Train

The towns and countryside that the traveller sees through a train window do not slow down the train, nor does the train affect them. Neither disturbs the other. This is how you should see the thoughts that pass through your mind when you meditate.

by Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche



(1) 不杀生而慈心于仁。
(2) 不偷盗而义利节用。
(3) 不邪淫而贞良守礼。
(4) 不妄语而诚实无欺。
(5) 不两舌而无争是非。
(6) 不恶口而出言慈和。
(7) 不绮语而言说有礼。
(8) 不悭贪而慈心舍施。
(9) 不嗔恚而慈忍积福。
(10) 不愚痴而多闻增智。








by 虚云法师

In the Present Moment

The only time that spiritual practice is done is now. If we're going to cultivate love and compassion, it has to be in the present moment, because we don't live in any other moment.

by Thubten Chodron

Die in Fear

Do I prefer to grow up and relate to life directly, or do I choose to live and die in fear?

by Pema Chodron

From Within

The fundamental philosophical principle of Buddhism is that all our suffering comes about as a result of an undisciplined mind, and this untamed mind itself comes about because of ignorance and negative emotions.

For the Buddhist practitioner then, regardless of whether he or she follows the approach of the Fundamental Vehicle, Mahayana or Vajrayana, negative emotions are always the true enemy, a factor that has to be overcome and eliminated. And it is only by applying methods for training the mind that these negative emotions can be dispelled and eliminated.

This is why in Buddhist writings and teachings we find such an extensive explanation of the mind and its different processes and functions. Since these negative emotions are states of mind, the method or technique for overcoming them must be developed from within. There is no alternative. They cannot be removed by some external technique, like a surgical operation.

by Dalai Lama

No Weight at All

It’s only heavy when you hold it. But if you let it go, it’s got no weight at all.

by Ajahn Brahm

Proper Effort

Proper effort is not the effort to make something particular happen. It is the effort to be aware and awake each moment, the effort to overcome laziness and merit, the effort to make each activity of our day meditation.

by Ajahn Chah

The Expectations

The expectations you bring to meditation practice are often the greatest obstacles you will encounter.

by Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche



by 印顺法师

奇哉! 奇哉!

讲修行,讲不修行,都是一句空话。你我透彻 自己这一段心光,当下了无其事,还说什么修与不修。试看本师释迦牟尼佛的表现,出家访道,苦行六年证道,夜睹明星,叹曰:“奇哉!奇哉!大地众生皆有如来智慧德相,只因妄想执着,不能证得;若离妄想,则清净智,自然智,无师智,自然现前。”

by 虚云法师



by 圣严法师

Absorb and Liberate

Keep in mind the many beings who are suffering in the same way as you are, and pray that your suffering may absorb theirs, and that they may be liberated from all suffering. In this way, illness can teach us compassion.

by Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche

What Remains

I never see what has been done; I only see what remains to be done.

By Buddha

Just Know Yourself

Just know yourself, this is your witness. Don't make decisions on the strength of your desires. Desires can puff us up into thinking we are something which we're not. We must be very circumspect.

by Ajahn Chah



by 证严法师