诤执 / 不和


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by 印顺法师






by 星云法师

Four Foundations of Mindfulness II

According to the Pali Canon, the four foundations of mindfulness are :

1) Mindfulness of one's body in stillness and in motion.
2) Mindfulness of one's sensory experience as pleasant, unpleasant, or neutral.
3) Mindfulness of one's mental afflictions: desire, anger, and delusion.
4) Mindfulness of all mental contents, including the teachings of the Buddha. Being mindful of the constant changes in one's physical and mental states, one comes to the insight that phenomena are impermanent and there is no self in control.
The Mahayana doctrine also includes a set of four remembrances:
1) Observe that the body is impure.
2) Observe that all sensory experiences come down to misery.
3) Observe that the mind is constantly changing.
4) Observe that all dharmas have no selves.


Everything is interdependently arisen. Everything comes into being by depending on something else. For us as humans to experience goodness or benefit, we have to depend upon others to experience that goodness, benefit or happiness. Without depending on others, it is very difficult for anything good to happen to us.

Since we all live in a human society on one single planet, we have to depend upon each other. The best way to depend upon and communicate with each other is through having loving kindness and compassion. If we have these qualities, we will be able to relate with each other, we will have connections with each other, and we can depend upon each other. But if we don't have any loving kindness and compassion, the entire path of depending upon, communicating with and having connections with each other will become destroyed.

If we have loving kindness and compassion with an attitude that we are contributing to this interdependence of humans, things will come along well for ourselves, things will come along well for others and the whole world will benefit. When that happens we will not need armies or a lot of laws or police.

by Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche



by 证严法师


讲修行,讲不修行,都是一句空话。你我透彻 自己这一段心光,当下了无其事,还说什么修与不修。试看本师释迦牟尼佛的表现,出家访道,苦行六年证道,夜睹明星,叹曰:“奇哉!奇哉!大地众生皆有如来智慧德相,只因妄想执着,不能证得;若离妄想,则清净智,自然智,无师智,自然现前。”

by 虚云法师

They’re Like Messengers

Feelings like disappointment, embarrassment, irritation, resentment, anger, jealousy, and fear, instead of being bad news, are actually very clear moments that teach us where it is that we’re holding back.

They teach us to perk up and lean in when we feel we’d rather collapse and back away. They’re like messengers that show us, with terrifying clarity, exactly where we’re stuck. This very moment is the perfect teacher, and, lucky for us, it’s with us wherever we are.

by Pema Chodron

The Sense Bases

The sense bases include two sets of six: six sense organs (or internal sense bases) and six sense objects (or external sense bases).

Based on these six pairs of sense bases, a number of mental factors arise.

The twelve sense bases, that is, the sense organs and their objects are :

1) Eye and Vision
2) Ear and Hearing
3) Nose and Olfaction
4) Tongue and Taste
5) Skin and Touch
6) Mind and Thought

Thus, for instance, when an ear and sound are present, the associated consciousness arises. The arising of these three elements – ear, sound and ear-related consciousness – lead to what is known as "contact" which in turn causes a pleasant or unpleasant or neutral "feeling" or "sensation" to arise. It is from such a sensation that "craving" arises.

To overcome craving and its resultant suffering, one should develop restraint of and insight into the sense bases.

The Buddha's Great Disciple Sariputta shares that the actual suffering associated with sense organs and sense objects is not inherent to these sense bases but is due to the "fetters" (here identified as "craving") that arise when there is contact between a sense organ and sense object.

Buddha states that one abandons the fetters "when one knows and sees ... as impermanent".

Where Suffering & Non-suffering Lie

If you want to understand suffering you must look into the situation at hand. The teachings say that wherever a problem arises it must be settled right there. Where suffering lies is right where non-suffering will arise, it ceases at the place where it arises. If suffering arises you must contemplate right there, you don't have to run away. You should settle the issue right there. One who runs away from suffering out of fear is the most foolish person of all. He will simply increases his stupidity endlessly.

by Ajahn Chah



by 净空法师

Understanding Complaining

What is the difference between complaining and discussing certain topics in a constructive way?

It lies in our attitude - our motivation - for speaking. Discussing a situation involves taking a more balanced approach, in which we actively try to understand the origin of the problem and think of a remedy. In our mind we become proactive, not reactive. We assume responsibility for what is our responsibility and stop blaming others when we cannot control a situation.

Thus, we can discuss our health without complaining about it. We simply tell others the facts and go on. If we need help, we ask for it directly, instead of lamenting in the hopes that someone will rescue us or feel sorry for us.

Similarly, we can discuss our financial situation, a friendship gone awry, an unfair policy at work, the uncooperative attitude of a salesperson, the ills of society, the misconceptions of political leaders, or the dishonesty of CEOs without complaining about them. This is far more productive, because discussion with knowledgeable people can help give us a new perspective on the situation, which, in turn, helps us deal with it more effectively.

For Buddhist practitioners, several meditations act as healthy antidotes to the habit of complaining.

Meditating on impermanence is a good start; seeing that everything is transient enables us to set our priorities wisely and determine what is important in life. It becomes clear that the petty things we complain about are not important in the long run, and we let them go.

Meditating on compassion is also helpful. When our mind is imbued with compassion, we don't see others as enemies or as obstacles to our happiness.

Instead, we see that they do harmful actions because they wish to be happy but don't know the correct method for attaining happiness. They are, in fact, just like us: imperfect, limited sentient beings who want happiness and not suffering.

Thus we can accept them as they are and seek to benefit them in the future. We see that our own happiness, in comparison to the problematic situations others' experience, is not so important. Thus we are able to view others with understanding and kindness, and automatically any inclination to complain about, blame, or judge them evaporates.

Meditating on the nature of cyclic existence is another antidote. Seeing that we and others are under the influence of ignorance, anger, and clinging attachment, we abandon idealistic visions that things should be a certain way.

As a friend always says to me when I mindlessly complain, "This is cyclic existence. What did you expect?"

Well, I suppose that at that moment, I expected perfection, i.e. that everything should happen the way I think it should, the way I want it to. Examining the nature of cyclic existence frees us from such unrealistic thinking and from the complaining it foments.

In his Guide to a Bodhisattva's Way of Life, Shantideva counsels us, "If something can be changed, work to change it. If it cannot, why worry, be upset, and complain?"

Wise advice. We need to remember it when the urge arises to complain.

by Thubten Chodron


才兴风作浪,造成从来难得和平的局面。 不和,佛典称之为诤。诤,见于语言文字,




说五蕴,特立受、想为二蕴,即重视他是见诤与爱诤的根源。 如广泛的说,内心的









by 印顺法师

Evil & Pure

All that we are is the result of what we have thought. If a man speaks or acts with an evil thought, pain follows him. If a man speaks or acts with a pure thought, happiness follows him, like a shadow that never leaves him.

by Buddha

Genuine Compassion

I would like to explain the meaning of compassion which is often misunderstood. Genuine compassion is based not on our own projections and expectations, but rather on the rights of the other: irrespective of whether another person is a close friend or an enemy, as long as that person wishes for peace and happiness and wishes to overcome suffering, then on that basis we develop a genuine concern for his or her problems. This is genuine compassion.

Usually when we are concerned about a close friend, we call this compassion. This is not compassion; it is attachment. Even in marriage, those marriages that last only a short time, do so because of attachment - although it is generally present - but because there is also compassion. Marriages that last only a short time do so because of a lack of compassion; there is only emotional attachment based on projection and expectation. When the only bond between close friends is attachment, then even a minor issue may cause one´s projections to change.

As soon as our projections change, the attachment disappears, because that attachment was based solely on projection and expectation. It is possible to have compassion without attachment, and similarly, to have anger without hatred.

Therefore we need to clarify the distinctions between compassion and attachment, and between anger and hatred. Such clarity is useful in our daily life and in our efforts toward world peace. I consider these to be basic spiritual values for the happiness of all human beings, regardless of whether one is a believer or a nonbeliever.

by Dalai Lama

A Sweet Ripe Mango

Dhamma is in your mind, not in the forest. Don't believe others. Just listen to your mind. You don't have to go and look anywhere else. Wisdom is in yourself, just like a sweet ripe mango is already in a young green one.

by Ajahn Brahm

Five Aggregates

It is through the five aggregates that the world is experienced, and nothing is experienced apart from the five aggregates.

The five aggregates are :

1) "Form" or "Matter"
External and internal matter. Externally, "Form" is the physical world. Internally, "Form" includes the material body and the physical sense organs.

2) "Sensation" or "Feeling"
Sensing an object as either pleasant or unpleasant or neutral.

3) Perception", "Conception" or "Cognition"
Register whether an object is recognized or not ( for instance, the sound of a whistle or the shape of a flower ).

4)  "Mental Formations"
All types of mental habits, thoughts, ideas, opinions, prejudices, compulsions, and decisions triggered by an object.

5) "Consciousness" or "Discernment"
The base that supports and discerns all experiences.



by 证严法师

Training This Mind

Training this mind... actually there's nothing much to this mind. It's simply radiant in and of itself. It's naturally peaceful. Why the mind doesn't feel peaceful right now is because it gets lost in its own moods. There's nothing to mind itself. It simply abides in its natural state, that's all. That sometimes the mind feels peaceful and other times not peaceful is because it has been tricked by these moods. The untrained mind lacks wisdom. It's foolish. Moods come and trick it into feeling pleasure one minute and suffering the next. Happiness then sadness. But the natural state of a person's mind isn't one of happiness or sadness. This experience of happiness and sadness is not the actual mind itself, but just these moods which have tricked it. The mind gets lost, carried away by these moods with no idea what's happening. And as a result, we experience pleasure and pain accordingly, because the mind has not been trained yet. It still isn't very clever. And we go on thinking that it's our mind which is suffering or our mind which is happy, when actually it's just lost in its various moods.

The point is that really this mind of ours is naturally peaceful. It's still and calm like a leaf that is not being blown about by the wind. But if the wind blows then it flutters. It does that because of the wind. And so with the mind it's because of these moods - getting caught up with thoughts. If the mind didn't get lost in these moods it wouldn't flutter about. If it understood the nature of thoughts it would just stay still. This is called the natural state of the mind. And why we have come to practice now is to see the mind in this original state. We think that the mind itself is actually pleasurable or peaceful. But really the mind has not created any real pleasure or pain. These thoughts have come and tricked it and it has got caught up in them. So we really have to come and train our minds in order to grow in wisdom. So that we understand the true nature of thoughts rather than just following them blindly.

The mind is naturally peaceful. It's in order to understand just this much that we have come together to do this difficult practice of meditation.

by Ajahn Chah

Overcome Personal Limitation

You are not the limited, anxious person you think you are. Any trained Buddhist teacher can tell you with all the conviction of personal experience that, really, you’re the very heart of compassion, completely aware, and fully capable of achieving the greatest good, not only for yourself, but for everyone and everything you can imagine.

The only problem is that you don’t recognize these things about yourself. In the strictly scientific terms I’ve come to understand through conversations with specialists in Europe and North America, most people simply mistake the habitually formed, neuronally constructed image of themselves for who and what they really are. And this image is almost always expressed in dualistic terms: self and other, pain and pleasure, having and not having, attraction and repulsion. As I’ve been given to understand, these are the most basic terms of survival.

Unfortunately, when the mind is colored by this dualistic perspective, every experience—even moments of joy and happiness—is bounded by some sense of limitation. There is always a but lurking in the background. One kind of but is the but of difference. “Oh, my birthday party was wonderful, but I would have liked chocolate cake instead of carrot cake.” Then there is the but of “better.” “I love my new house, but my friend John’s place is bigger and has much better light.” And finally there is the but of fear. “I can’t stand my job, but in this market how will I ever find another one?” Personal experience has taught me that it’s possible to overcome any sense of personal limitation.

by Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche


十八界, 即"六根"、" 六尘"、"六识"三者。

十八界是以人的认识为中心, 对世界一切现象和事物所作的分类。

一人一身即具此十八界。 其中的六根有认识功能; 六尘作为认识对象; 六识则为随生的感受与观念。

总起来说, 此十八界依次为:

"六根" : (1)眼界、(2)耳界、(3)鼻界、(4)舌界、(5)身界、(6)意界;
"六尘" : (7)色界、(8)声界、(9)香界、(10_)味界、(11)触界、(12)法界;
"六识" : (13)眼识界、(14)耳识界、(15)鼻识界、(16)舌识界、(17)身识界、(18)意识界。


四安 :提升人品的主张

四它 :解除困境的主张

四要 :安定人心的主张

四感 :与人相处的主张
感恩 —使我们成长的因缘

四福 :增进福祉的主张

by 圣严法师




by 净空法师


六识: 眼耳鼻舌身意。各有识也。



(1) 眼识谓眼根若对色尘。即生眼识。眼识生时。但能见色。而未起分别也。
(2) 耳识谓耳根若对声尘。即生耳识。耳识生时。但能闻声。而未起分别也。
(3) 鼻识谓鼻根若对香尘。即生鼻识。鼻识生时。但能齅香。而未起分别也。
(4) 舌识谓舌根若对味尘。即生舌识。舌识生时。但能尝味。而未起分别也。
(5) 身识谓身根若对触尘。即生身识。身识生时。但能感触。而未起分别也。
(6) 意识谓意根若对法尘。即生意识。意识生时。即能于五尘之境分别善恶好丑也。



by 星云法师

The Aspiration

We were there before, will we be back?
No form...no birth, no he no she so no
desire no lust. ...no sickness, no old age so
no pain no suffering... no death so
no fear no stress
We were glowing, bright, beautiful...
in the dark... no day no night, no month no year...
no concept of time, its perpetual.
Plenty of us around, millions, billions.
Happy to be in each other's company, immersed in joy.
Since there is no form... there are no senses. No smell,
no sight, no feel, no sound, no taste, therefore
there is no desire no craving.
Since there is no form, there is no self... I, me, my.
"I am good, I am better,
He hurt me. He betrayed me. He does not respect me.
My property. My money. My idea. My territory..."
No I, no me, no my so there is no dispute,
no war, no killings...
We were there before, so quiet, peaceful and tranquil,
because there is no sound... no speech, no lies.
We were there before, so empty,
no need for procession...
no need for stealing, no need for clinging.
We were there before, so bright
so beautiful so much joy.
Silently watching the other creatures of
the other realms... with a gentle smile
and... sigh, there you go again...
We were there before,
will we be back?

by James Khoo

Art by Dean Forbes