Die in Fear
From Within

For the Buddhist practitioner then, regardless of whether he or she follows the approach of the Fundamental Vehicle, Mahayana or Vajrayana, negative emotions are always the true enemy, a factor that has to be overcome and eliminated. And it is only by applying methods for training the mind that these negative emotions can be dispelled and eliminated.
This is why in Buddhist writings and teachings we find such an extensive explanation of the mind and its different processes and functions. Since these negative emotions are states of mind, the method or technique for overcoming them must be developed from within. There is no alternative. They cannot be removed by some external technique, like a surgical operation.
by Dalai Lama
Proper Effort
The Expectations
奇哉! 奇哉!
Absorb and Liberate
Just Know Yourself
Having a Sense of Humor
How do we deal with our minds when we become very self-centered and anxious?
It is important to learn to laugh at ourselves. We really do have a monkey mind when it comes to anxiety, don't we? We worry about this and then we worry about that, like a monkey jumping all over the place.
We have to be able to laugh at the monkey instead of taking it so seriously and to develop a sense of humor about our problems. Sometimes our problems are pretty funny, aren't they?
If we could step back and look at our problems, many of them would seem quite humorous. If a character in a soap opera had this problem or was acting this way, we would laugh at it.
Sometimes I do that: I step back and look at myself, "Oh, look how Chodron feels so sorry for herself. Sniff, sniff. There's so many sentient beings having so many different experiences in the universe, and poor Chodron just stubbed her toe."
by Thubten Chodron
It is important to learn to laugh at ourselves. We really do have a monkey mind when it comes to anxiety, don't we? We worry about this and then we worry about that, like a monkey jumping all over the place.
We have to be able to laugh at the monkey instead of taking it so seriously and to develop a sense of humor about our problems. Sometimes our problems are pretty funny, aren't they?
If we could step back and look at our problems, many of them would seem quite humorous. If a character in a soap opera had this problem or was acting this way, we would laugh at it.
Sometimes I do that: I step back and look at myself, "Oh, look how Chodron feels so sorry for herself. Sniff, sniff. There's so many sentient beings having so many different experiences in the universe, and poor Chodron just stubbed her toe."
by Thubten Chodron
理入者,谓藉教悟宗,深信含生同一真性,但为客尘妄想所覆,不能显了。若 也舍妄归真,凝住壁观,无自无他,凡圣等一,坚住不移,更不随文教,此即与理 冥符,无有分别,寂然无为,名之理入。
行入者,谓四行,其余诸行悉入此中。何等四耶?一报冤行;二随缘行;三无 所求行;四称法行。
云何名报冤行?谓修道行人,若受苦时,当自念言:我往昔无数劫中,弃本从 末,流浪诸有,多起怨憎,违害无限,今虽无犯,是我宿殃恶业果熟,非天非人所 能见与,甘心忍受,都无冤诉。经云:逢苦不忧,何心故?识达故。此心生时,与 理相应,体冤进道,故说言报冤行。
二随缘行者:众生无我,并缘业所转,苦乐齐受,皆从缘生。若得胜报荣誉等 事,是我过去宿因所感,今方得之,缘尽还无,何喜之有?得失从缘,心无增减, 喜风不动,冥顺于道,是故说言随缘行。
三无所求行者:世人常迷,处处贪著,名之为求。智者悟真,理将俗反,安心 无为,形随运转,万有斯空,无所愿乐。功德黑暗,常相随逐,三界久居,犹如火 宅,有身皆苦,谁得而安?了达此处,故舍诸有,止想无求。经云:「有求皆苦, 无求即乐。」判知无求,真为道行,故言无所求行。
四称法行者:性净之理,目之为法。此理众相斯空,无染无著,无此无彼。经 曰:「法无众生,离众生垢故;法无有我,离我垢故。」智者若能信解此理,应当 称法而行。法体无悭,身命财行檀施舍,心无吝惜,脱解三空,不倚不着,但为去 垢,称化众生而不取相。此为自行,复能利他,亦能庄严菩提之道。檀施既尔,余 五亦然。为除妄想,修行六度,而无所行,是为称法行也。
by 达摩大师