by 达摩大师
by 圣严法师
by 圣严法师
by 索达吉堪布
by 索达吉堪布

by 净空法师
The Forest of the Senses
The world with its never-ending ways goes on and on. If we try to understand it all, it leads us only to chaos and confusion.
However, if we contemplate the world clearly, then true wisdom will arise. The Buddha himself was one who was well-versed in the ways of the world. He had great ability to influence and lead because of his abundance of worldly knowledge. Through the transformation of his worldly mundane wisdom, He penetrated and attained to supermundane wisdom, making him a truly superior being.
So, if we work with this teaching, turning it inwards for contemplation, we will attain to an understanding on an entirely new level. When we see an object, there is no object. When we hear a sound, the is no sound. In smelling, we can say that there is no smell. All of the senses are manifest, but they are void of anything stable. They are just sensations that arise and then pass away.
If we understand according to this reality, then the senses cease to be substantial. They are just sensations which come and go. In truth there isn't any ''thing''. If there isn't any ''thing'', then there is no ''we'' and no ''they''. If there is no ''we'' as a person, then there is nothing belonging to ''us''. It's in this way that suffering is extinguished. There isn't anybody to acquire suffering, so who is it who suffers?
When suffering arises, we attach to the suffering and thereby must really suffer. In the same way, when happiness arises, we attach to the happiness and consequently experience pleasure. Attachment to these feelings gives rise to the concept of ''self'' or ''ego'' and thoughts of ''we'' and ''they'' continually manifest. Nah!! Here is where it all begins and then carries us around in its never-ending cycle.
So, we come to practice meditation and live according to the Dhamma. We leave our homes to come and live in the forest and absorb the peace of mind it gives us. We have fled in order to contend with ourselves and not through fear or escapism. But people who come and live in the forest become attached to living in it; just as people who live in the city become attached to the city. They lose their way in the forest and they lose their way in the city.
The Buddha praised living in the forest because the physical and mental solitude that it gives us is conducive to the practice for liberation. However, He didn't want us to become dependent upon living in the forest or get stuck in its peace and tranquillity. We come to practice in order for wisdom to arise. Here in the forest we can sow and cultivate the seeds of wisdom. Living amongst chaos and turmoil these seeds have difficulty in growing, but once we have learned to live in the forest, we can return and contend with the city and all the stimulation of the senses that it brings us. Learning to live in the forest means to allow wisdom to grow and develop. We can then apply this wisdom no matter where we go.
When our senses are stimulated, we become agitated and the senses become our antagonists. They antagonize us because we are still foolish and don't have the wisdom to deal with them. In reality they are our teachers, but, because of our ignorance, we don't see it that way. When we lived in the city we never thought that our senses could teach us anything. As long as true wisdom has not yet manifested, we continue to see the senses and their objects as enemies. Once true wisdom arises, they are no longer our enemies but become the doorway to insight and clear understanding.
A good example is the wild chickens here in the forest. We all know how much they are afraid of humans. However, since I have lived here in the forest I have been able to teach them and learn from them as well. At one time I began throwing out rice for them to eat. At first they were very frightened and wouldn't go near the rice. However, after a long time they got used to it and even began to expect it. You see, there is something to be learned here - they originally thought that there was danger in the rice, that the rice was an enemy. In truth there was no danger in the rice, but they didn't know that the rice was food and so were afraid. When they finally saw for themselves that there was nothing to fear, they could come and eat without any danger.
The chickens learn naturally in this way. Living here in the forest we learn in a similar way. Formerly we thought that our senses were a problem, and because of our ignorance in the proper use of them, they caused us a lot trouble. However, by experience in practice we learn to see them in accordance with truth. We learn to make use of them just as the chickens could use the rice. Then they are no longer opposed to us and problems disappear.
As long as we think, investigate and understand wrongly, these things will oppose us. But as soon as we begin to investigate properly, that which we experience will bring us to wisdom and clear understanding, just as the chickens came to their understanding. In this way, we can say that they practiced ''vipassanā''. They know in accordance with truth, it's their insight.
In our practice, we have our senses as tools which, when rightly used, enable us to become enlightened to the Dhamma. This is something which all meditator should contemplate. When we don't see this clearly, we remain in perpetual conflict.
So, as we live in the quietude of the forest, we continue to develop subtle feelings and prepare the ground for cultivating wisdom. Don't think that when you have gained some peace of mind living here in the quiet forest that that's enough. Don't settle for just that! Remember that we have to cultivate and grow the seeds of wisdom.
As wisdom matures and we begin to understand in accordance with the truth, we will no longer be dragged up and down. Usually, if we have a pleasant mood, we behave one way; and if we have an unpleasant mood, we are another way. We like something and we are up; we dislike something and we are down. In this way we are still in conflict with enemies. When these things no longer oppose us, they become stabilized and balance out. There are no longer ups and downs or highs and lows. We understand these things of the world and know that that's just the way it is. It's just ''worldly dhamma''.
''Worldly dhamma''changes to become the ''path''. ''Worldly dhamma'' has eight ways; the ''path'' has eight ways. Wherever ''worldly dhamma'' exists, the ''path'' is to be found also. When we live with clarity, all of our worldly experience becomes the practicing of the ''eightfold path''. Without clarity, ''worldly dhamma'' predominates and we are turned away from the ''path''. When right understanding arises, liberation from suffering lies right here before us. You will not find liberation by running around looking elsewhere!
So don't be in a hurry and try to push or rush your practice. Do your meditation gently and gradually step by step. In regard to peacefulness, if you want to become peaceful, then accept it; if you don't become peaceful, then accept that also. That's the nature of the mind. We must find our own practice and persistently keep at it.
Perhaps wisdom does not arise! I used to think, about my practice, that when there is no wisdom, I could force myself to have it. But it didn't work, things remained the same. Then, after careful consideration, I saw that to contemplate things that we don't have cannot be done. So what's the best thing to do? It's better just to practice with equanimity. If there is nothing to cause us concern, then there's nothing to remedy. If there's no problem, then we don't have to try to solve it. When there is a problem, that's when you must solve it, right there! There's no need to go searching for anything special, just live normally. But know what your mind is! Live mindfully and clearly comprehending. Let wisdom be your guide; don't live indulging in your moods. Be heedful and alert! If there is nothing, that's fine; when something arises, then investigate and contemplate it.
by Ajahn Chah
However, if we contemplate the world clearly, then true wisdom will arise. The Buddha himself was one who was well-versed in the ways of the world. He had great ability to influence and lead because of his abundance of worldly knowledge. Through the transformation of his worldly mundane wisdom, He penetrated and attained to supermundane wisdom, making him a truly superior being.
So, if we work with this teaching, turning it inwards for contemplation, we will attain to an understanding on an entirely new level. When we see an object, there is no object. When we hear a sound, the is no sound. In smelling, we can say that there is no smell. All of the senses are manifest, but they are void of anything stable. They are just sensations that arise and then pass away.
If we understand according to this reality, then the senses cease to be substantial. They are just sensations which come and go. In truth there isn't any ''thing''. If there isn't any ''thing'', then there is no ''we'' and no ''they''. If there is no ''we'' as a person, then there is nothing belonging to ''us''. It's in this way that suffering is extinguished. There isn't anybody to acquire suffering, so who is it who suffers?
When suffering arises, we attach to the suffering and thereby must really suffer. In the same way, when happiness arises, we attach to the happiness and consequently experience pleasure. Attachment to these feelings gives rise to the concept of ''self'' or ''ego'' and thoughts of ''we'' and ''they'' continually manifest. Nah!! Here is where it all begins and then carries us around in its never-ending cycle.
So, we come to practice meditation and live according to the Dhamma. We leave our homes to come and live in the forest and absorb the peace of mind it gives us. We have fled in order to contend with ourselves and not through fear or escapism. But people who come and live in the forest become attached to living in it; just as people who live in the city become attached to the city. They lose their way in the forest and they lose their way in the city.
The Buddha praised living in the forest because the physical and mental solitude that it gives us is conducive to the practice for liberation. However, He didn't want us to become dependent upon living in the forest or get stuck in its peace and tranquillity. We come to practice in order for wisdom to arise. Here in the forest we can sow and cultivate the seeds of wisdom. Living amongst chaos and turmoil these seeds have difficulty in growing, but once we have learned to live in the forest, we can return and contend with the city and all the stimulation of the senses that it brings us. Learning to live in the forest means to allow wisdom to grow and develop. We can then apply this wisdom no matter where we go.
When our senses are stimulated, we become agitated and the senses become our antagonists. They antagonize us because we are still foolish and don't have the wisdom to deal with them. In reality they are our teachers, but, because of our ignorance, we don't see it that way. When we lived in the city we never thought that our senses could teach us anything. As long as true wisdom has not yet manifested, we continue to see the senses and their objects as enemies. Once true wisdom arises, they are no longer our enemies but become the doorway to insight and clear understanding.
A good example is the wild chickens here in the forest. We all know how much they are afraid of humans. However, since I have lived here in the forest I have been able to teach them and learn from them as well. At one time I began throwing out rice for them to eat. At first they were very frightened and wouldn't go near the rice. However, after a long time they got used to it and even began to expect it. You see, there is something to be learned here - they originally thought that there was danger in the rice, that the rice was an enemy. In truth there was no danger in the rice, but they didn't know that the rice was food and so were afraid. When they finally saw for themselves that there was nothing to fear, they could come and eat without any danger.
The chickens learn naturally in this way. Living here in the forest we learn in a similar way. Formerly we thought that our senses were a problem, and because of our ignorance in the proper use of them, they caused us a lot trouble. However, by experience in practice we learn to see them in accordance with truth. We learn to make use of them just as the chickens could use the rice. Then they are no longer opposed to us and problems disappear.
As long as we think, investigate and understand wrongly, these things will oppose us. But as soon as we begin to investigate properly, that which we experience will bring us to wisdom and clear understanding, just as the chickens came to their understanding. In this way, we can say that they practiced ''vipassanā''. They know in accordance with truth, it's their insight.
In our practice, we have our senses as tools which, when rightly used, enable us to become enlightened to the Dhamma. This is something which all meditator should contemplate. When we don't see this clearly, we remain in perpetual conflict.
So, as we live in the quietude of the forest, we continue to develop subtle feelings and prepare the ground for cultivating wisdom. Don't think that when you have gained some peace of mind living here in the quiet forest that that's enough. Don't settle for just that! Remember that we have to cultivate and grow the seeds of wisdom.
As wisdom matures and we begin to understand in accordance with the truth, we will no longer be dragged up and down. Usually, if we have a pleasant mood, we behave one way; and if we have an unpleasant mood, we are another way. We like something and we are up; we dislike something and we are down. In this way we are still in conflict with enemies. When these things no longer oppose us, they become stabilized and balance out. There are no longer ups and downs or highs and lows. We understand these things of the world and know that that's just the way it is. It's just ''worldly dhamma''.
''Worldly dhamma''changes to become the ''path''. ''Worldly dhamma'' has eight ways; the ''path'' has eight ways. Wherever ''worldly dhamma'' exists, the ''path'' is to be found also. When we live with clarity, all of our worldly experience becomes the practicing of the ''eightfold path''. Without clarity, ''worldly dhamma'' predominates and we are turned away from the ''path''. When right understanding arises, liberation from suffering lies right here before us. You will not find liberation by running around looking elsewhere!
So don't be in a hurry and try to push or rush your practice. Do your meditation gently and gradually step by step. In regard to peacefulness, if you want to become peaceful, then accept it; if you don't become peaceful, then accept that also. That's the nature of the mind. We must find our own practice and persistently keep at it.
Perhaps wisdom does not arise! I used to think, about my practice, that when there is no wisdom, I could force myself to have it. But it didn't work, things remained the same. Then, after careful consideration, I saw that to contemplate things that we don't have cannot be done. So what's the best thing to do? It's better just to practice with equanimity. If there is nothing to cause us concern, then there's nothing to remedy. If there's no problem, then we don't have to try to solve it. When there is a problem, that's when you must solve it, right there! There's no need to go searching for anything special, just live normally. But know what your mind is! Live mindfully and clearly comprehending. Let wisdom be your guide; don't live indulging in your moods. Be heedful and alert! If there is nothing, that's fine; when something arises, then investigate and contemplate it.
by Ajahn Chah
Practice Contentment
When you are discontent, you always want more, more, more. Your desire can never be satisfied.
But when you practice contentment, you can say to yourself, 'Oh yes - I already have everything that I really need.'
by Dalai Lama
But when you practice contentment, you can say to yourself, 'Oh yes - I already have everything that I really need.'
by Dalai Lama
by 证严法师
by 证严法师
1) 法身又名自性身,或法性身,即常住不灭,人人本具的真性,不过我们众生迷而不显,佛是觉而证得了。
2) 报身是由佛的智慧功德所成的,有自受用报身和他受用报身的分别,自受用报身是佛自己受用内证法乐之身,他受用报身是佛为十地菩萨说法而变现的身。
3) 应身又名应化身,或变化身,即应众生之机缘而变现出来的佛身。
1) 法身又名自性身,或法性身,即常住不灭,人人本具的真性,不过我们众生迷而不显,佛是觉而证得了。
2) 报身是由佛的智慧功德所成的,有自受用报身和他受用报身的分别,自受用报身是佛自己受用内证法乐之身,他受用报身是佛为十地菩萨说法而变现的身。
3) 应身又名应化身,或变化身,即应众生之机缘而变现出来的佛身。
by 圣严法师
by 圣严法师
《三相灯火续》总结密宗的特点云: “一义亦不昧,不难方便多,是为利根故,极胜密咒乘。”
无垢光尊者云: “若男若女已入此胜密,并获得传承教言,虽其未证悟,然以听闻之功德力,决定速疾解脱,因彼相遇无上果法之故。”
《日月吻合续》中云: “学密利根者即生成就,中根者中阴,下根者来世幻化界得解脱。”确确实实密宗里有见解脱、闻解脱、系解脱等一般凡夫所无法想象的众多方便加持法。
甚至傍生听闻密法也照样能得到成就,譬如前几年,法王在给一只老山羊传了《七宝藏》等的传承,老山羊临终后便往生到了东方现喜刹土。密宗祖师极喜金刚云: “若仅听受此密法,七世之前定解脱。”
总之,宗喀巴大师曾云: “若知异宗无相违,一切经论知窍诀,则易证悟佛密意。”
by 索达吉堪布
《三相灯火续》总结密宗的特点云: “一义亦不昧,不难方便多,是为利根故,极胜密咒乘。”
无垢光尊者云: “若男若女已入此胜密,并获得传承教言,虽其未证悟,然以听闻之功德力,决定速疾解脱,因彼相遇无上果法之故。”
《日月吻合续》中云: “学密利根者即生成就,中根者中阴,下根者来世幻化界得解脱。”确确实实密宗里有见解脱、闻解脱、系解脱等一般凡夫所无法想象的众多方便加持法。
甚至傍生听闻密法也照样能得到成就,譬如前几年,法王在给一只老山羊传了《七宝藏》等的传承,老山羊临终后便往生到了东方现喜刹土。密宗祖师极喜金刚云: “若仅听受此密法,七世之前定解脱。”
总之,宗喀巴大师曾云: “若知异宗无相违,一切经论知窍诀,则易证悟佛密意。”
by 索达吉堪布

by Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche
The State of Non-Duality
The real glory of meditation lies not in any method but in its continual living experience of presence, in its bliss, clarity, peace, and most important of all, complete absence of grasping.
The diminishing of grasping in yourself is a sign that you are becoming freer of yourself. And the more you experience this freedom, the clearer the sign that the ego and the hopes and fears that keep it alive are dissolving, and the closer you will come to the infinitely generous "wisdom of egolessness."
When you live in the wisdom home, you'll no longer find a barrier between "I" and "you," "this" and "that," "inside" and "outside;" you'll have come, finally, to your true home, the state of non-duality.
by Sogyal Rinpoche
The diminishing of grasping in yourself is a sign that you are becoming freer of yourself. And the more you experience this freedom, the clearer the sign that the ego and the hopes and fears that keep it alive are dissolving, and the closer you will come to the infinitely generous "wisdom of egolessness."
When you live in the wisdom home, you'll no longer find a barrier between "I" and "you," "this" and "that," "inside" and "outside;" you'll have come, finally, to your true home, the state of non-duality.
by Sogyal Rinpoche
The Empty Flag
I once read a book about Zen. In Zen, you know, they don't teach with a lot of explanation. For instance, if a monk is falling asleep during meditation, they come with a stick and ''whack!'' they give him a hit on the back. When the erring disciple is hit, he shows his gratitude by thanking the attendant. In Zen practice one is taught to be thankful for all the feelings which give one the opportunity to develop.
One day there was an assembly of monks gathered for a meeting. Outside the hall a flag was blowing in the wind. There arose a dispute between two monks as to how the flag was actually blowing in the wind. One of the monks claimed that it was because of the wind while the other argued that it was because of the flag. Thus they quarreled because of their narrow views and couldn't come to any kind of agreement. They would have argued like this until the day they died. However, their teacher intervened and said, ''Neither of you is right. The correct understanding is that there is no flag and there is no wind''.
This is the practice, not to have anything, not to have the flag and not to have the wind. If there is a flag, then there is a wind; if there is a wind, then there is a flag. You should contemplate and reflect on this thoroughly until you see in accordance with truth. If considered well, then there will remain nothing. It's empty - void; empty of the flag and empty of the wind. In the great void there is no flag and there is no wind. There is no birth, no old age, no sickness or death. Our conventional understanding of flag and wind is only a concept. In reality there is nothing. That's all! There is nothing more than empty labels.
If we practice in this way, we will come to see completeness and all of our problems will come to an end. In the great void the King of Death will never find you. There is nothing for old age, sickness and death to follow. When we see and understand in accordance with truth, that is, with right understanding, then there is only this great emptiness. It's here that there is no more ''we'', no ''they'', no ''self'' at all.
by Ajahn Chah
One day there was an assembly of monks gathered for a meeting. Outside the hall a flag was blowing in the wind. There arose a dispute between two monks as to how the flag was actually blowing in the wind. One of the monks claimed that it was because of the wind while the other argued that it was because of the flag. Thus they quarreled because of their narrow views and couldn't come to any kind of agreement. They would have argued like this until the day they died. However, their teacher intervened and said, ''Neither of you is right. The correct understanding is that there is no flag and there is no wind''.
This is the practice, not to have anything, not to have the flag and not to have the wind. If there is a flag, then there is a wind; if there is a wind, then there is a flag. You should contemplate and reflect on this thoroughly until you see in accordance with truth. If considered well, then there will remain nothing. It's empty - void; empty of the flag and empty of the wind. In the great void there is no flag and there is no wind. There is no birth, no old age, no sickness or death. Our conventional understanding of flag and wind is only a concept. In reality there is nothing. That's all! There is nothing more than empty labels.
If we practice in this way, we will come to see completeness and all of our problems will come to an end. In the great void the King of Death will never find you. There is nothing for old age, sickness and death to follow. When we see and understand in accordance with truth, that is, with right understanding, then there is only this great emptiness. It's here that there is no more ''we'', no ''they'', no ''self'' at all.
by Ajahn Chah
by 证严法师
by 证严法师
阿僧祇(祇,音qí),梵语“asamkya”的音译,或译为无数或无央数,是一个佛教名字对于数字10 to the power of 104,是多到没有数目可以计算的意思。阿僧祇劫即指“无数劫”。
by 圣严法师
by 圣严法师
Just Look At the Thought Itself
Just look at the thought itself, rather than the causes and conditions from which it emerges.
by Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche
by Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche
依我们地球的人寿计算,从人类八万四千岁的长寿,每一百年减短一 岁,减至人类的寿命仅有十岁时,称为减劫;再从十岁,每一百年增加一岁,又增 加到人寿八万四千岁,称为增劫。如此一减一增的时间过程,总称为一小劫。
经过二十个小劫,称为一个中劫。因为,据佛典中说,我们所处的地 球,共分「成、住、坏、空」的四大阶段,每一阶段的时间过程,均为二十个小劫, 在这四大阶段中,唯有「住」的阶段,可以供人类生存。
初「成」的阶段是由气体 而液体。再由液体而凝固,所以不堪人类的生活。
到了「坏」的阶段,正在剧烈的 破坏之中,也不适合人类的生存;据说是经过四十九次大火灾,七次大水灾,一次 大风灾之后,地球便归消失。坏劫终了,
佛教把这成、住、 坏、空的四大阶段,称为四个中劫,分别称为成劫、住劫、坏劫、空劫。
经过成、住、坏、空的四个中劫,便是一个大劫;换句话说,地球世 界的一生一灭,便是一个大劫。然而,坏劫中的每一次大火灾,可从无间地狱,一 直烧到色界的初禅天;每一次大水灾,可从无间地狱,一直淹到色界的二禅天;最 后一次大风灾,可从无间地狱一直吹到色界的三禅天。也就是说,每一次大劫的范 围,除了色界的第四禅天及无色界的四空天,三界之内的动植飞潜,一切万物都是 在劫难逃。
不过,不用悲哀,当坏劫来临,此界的众生,或者已转生他界,或者已 直升第四禅天,不会有一个众生没有安身之处。
佛经上所称的劫,如不标明中劫或小劫,通常是指大劫而言。在三界的众生,未了 生死之前,最短的寿命短到即生即死,最长的寿命是修四空定的无色界众生,最长 的有想无想天寿命长到八万四千大劫,他们的生命,相当于地球的八万四千次生灭 的过程,所以在他们自以为已经是不生不死,其实,八万四千大劫终了,仍然要接 受生死。
在佛眼看来,八万四千大劫,也仅刹那之间的时光而已,唯有修持解脱道, 空去了「我」,才入涅盘──不生不死的境界。唯有再进一步空去了「法」,才能 称为菩萨,自己解脱生死仍不住于涅盘,随类应化众生,走向成佛之道。
依我们地球的人寿计算,从人类八万四千岁的长寿,每一百年减短一 岁,减至人类的寿命仅有十岁时,称为减劫;再从十岁,每一百年增加一岁,又增 加到人寿八万四千岁,称为增劫。如此一减一增的时间过程,总称为一小劫。
经过二十个小劫,称为一个中劫。因为,据佛典中说,我们所处的地 球,共分「成、住、坏、空」的四大阶段,每一阶段的时间过程,均为二十个小劫, 在这四大阶段中,唯有「住」的阶段,可以供人类生存。
初「成」的阶段是由气体 而液体。再由液体而凝固,所以不堪人类的生活。
到了「坏」的阶段,正在剧烈的 破坏之中,也不适合人类的生存;据说是经过四十九次大火灾,七次大水灾,一次 大风灾之后,地球便归消失。坏劫终了,
佛教把这成、住、 坏、空的四大阶段,称为四个中劫,分别称为成劫、住劫、坏劫、空劫。
经过成、住、坏、空的四个中劫,便是一个大劫;换句话说,地球世 界的一生一灭,便是一个大劫。然而,坏劫中的每一次大火灾,可从无间地狱,一 直烧到色界的初禅天;每一次大水灾,可从无间地狱,一直淹到色界的二禅天;最 后一次大风灾,可从无间地狱一直吹到色界的三禅天。也就是说,每一次大劫的范 围,除了色界的第四禅天及无色界的四空天,三界之内的动植飞潜,一切万物都是 在劫难逃。
不过,不用悲哀,当坏劫来临,此界的众生,或者已转生他界,或者已 直升第四禅天,不会有一个众生没有安身之处。
佛经上所称的劫,如不标明中劫或小劫,通常是指大劫而言。在三界的众生,未了 生死之前,最短的寿命短到即生即死,最长的寿命是修四空定的无色界众生,最长 的有想无想天寿命长到八万四千大劫,他们的生命,相当于地球的八万四千次生灭 的过程,所以在他们自以为已经是不生不死,其实,八万四千大劫终了,仍然要接 受生死。
在佛眼看来,八万四千大劫,也仅刹那之间的时光而已,唯有修持解脱道, 空去了「我」,才入涅盘──不生不死的境界。唯有再进一步空去了「法」,才能 称为菩萨,自己解脱生死仍不住于涅盘,随类应化众生,走向成佛之道。
In Mediation and Life
What we have to learn, in both meditation and in life, is to be free of attachment to the good experiences, and free of aversion to the negative ones.
by Sogyal Rinpoche
by Sogyal Rinpoche
Constant Practice
In our practice we just look directly at the mind. Whenever our practice begins to slacken off, we see it and make it firm - then shortly after, it goes again. That's the way it pulls you around. But the person with good mindfulness takes a firm hold and constantly re-establishes himself, pulling himself back, training, practicing and developing himself in this way.
The person with poor mindfulness just lets it all fall apart, he strays off and gets side-tracked again and again. He's not strong and firmly rooted in practice. Thus he's continuously pulled away by his worldly desires - something pulls him here, something pulls him there. He lives following his whims and desires, never putting an end to this worldly cycle.
Coming to ordain is not so easy. You must determine to make your mind firm. You should be confident in the practice, confident enough to continue practicing until you become fed up with both your like and dislikes and see in accordance with truth. Usually, you are dissatisfied with only your dislike, if you like something then you aren't ready to give it up. You have to become fed up with both your dislike and your likes, your suffering and your happiness.
You don't see that this is the very essence of the Dhamma! The Dhamma of the Buddha is profound and refined. It isn't easy to comprehend. If true wisdom has not yet arisen, then you can't see it. You don't look forward and you don't look back. When you experience happiness, you think that there will only be happiness. Whenever there is suffering, you think that there will only be suffering. You don't see that wherever there is big, there is small; wherever there is small, there is big. You don't see it that way. You see only one side and thus it's never-ending.
There are two sides to everything; you must see both sides. Then, when happiness arises, you don't get lost; when suffering arises, you don't get lost. When happiness arises, you don't forget the suffering, because you see that they are interdependent.
In a similar way, food is beneficial to all beings for the maintenance of the body. But actually, food can also be harmful, for example when it causes various stomach upsets. When you see the advantages of something, you must perceive the disadvantages also, and vice versa. When you feel hatred and aversion, you should contemplate love and understanding. In this way, you become more balanced and your mind becomes more settled.
by Ajahn Chah
The person with poor mindfulness just lets it all fall apart, he strays off and gets side-tracked again and again. He's not strong and firmly rooted in practice. Thus he's continuously pulled away by his worldly desires - something pulls him here, something pulls him there. He lives following his whims and desires, never putting an end to this worldly cycle.
Coming to ordain is not so easy. You must determine to make your mind firm. You should be confident in the practice, confident enough to continue practicing until you become fed up with both your like and dislikes and see in accordance with truth. Usually, you are dissatisfied with only your dislike, if you like something then you aren't ready to give it up. You have to become fed up with both your dislike and your likes, your suffering and your happiness.
You don't see that this is the very essence of the Dhamma! The Dhamma of the Buddha is profound and refined. It isn't easy to comprehend. If true wisdom has not yet arisen, then you can't see it. You don't look forward and you don't look back. When you experience happiness, you think that there will only be happiness. Whenever there is suffering, you think that there will only be suffering. You don't see that wherever there is big, there is small; wherever there is small, there is big. You don't see it that way. You see only one side and thus it's never-ending.
There are two sides to everything; you must see both sides. Then, when happiness arises, you don't get lost; when suffering arises, you don't get lost. When happiness arises, you don't forget the suffering, because you see that they are interdependent.
In a similar way, food is beneficial to all beings for the maintenance of the body. But actually, food can also be harmful, for example when it causes various stomach upsets. When you see the advantages of something, you must perceive the disadvantages also, and vice versa. When you feel hatred and aversion, you should contemplate love and understanding. In this way, you become more balanced and your mind becomes more settled.
by Ajahn Chah
Whole Purpose of Religion
The whole purpose of religion is to facilitate love and compassion, patience, tolerance, humility, and forgiveness.
by Dalai Lama
by Dalai Lama
逆境在佛教中称为“增上缘”,碰到逆境来,应心生感激——可遇不可求啊! 逆境就如磨玉的磨石,不磨不发光!人事的艰难与琢磨,就是一种考验。就像一支剑要有磨刀石来磨,剑才会利;一块璞玉要有粗石来磨,才会发出耀眼的光芒。
by 证严法师
逆境在佛教中称为“增上缘”,碰到逆境来,应心生感激——可遇不可求啊! 逆境就如磨玉的磨石,不磨不发光!人事的艰难与琢磨,就是一种考验。就像一支剑要有磨刀石来磨,剑才会利;一块璞玉要有粗石来磨,才会发出耀眼的光芒。
by 证严法师
因此,不管长如三大阿 僧只劫,或短暂如一刹那,每个人一生中,应该善加利用时间,以有限的时间,充 实无限的生命;以有限的时间,发挥生命的价值,这才是对时间、生命应该抱持的 态度。
因此,不管长如三大阿 僧只劫,或短暂如一刹那,每个人一生中,应该善加利用时间,以有限的时间,充 实无限的生命;以有限的时间,发挥生命的价值,这才是对时间、生命应该抱持的 态度。
by 印顺法师
by 印顺法师

「佛之光明,彻照洞达,无有极限」,故云『光明彻照,洞达无极』。光明表智慧,也就是说明佛的智慧,智慧从哪里来的一定要知道,智慧是从自性里头流出来的。 我们多读圣贤书-,能不能得智慧?多读圣贤书能够感染圣人的智慧。我用的这个名词,感染。圣人智慧影响了我们,我们智慧没生起来,这个要知道。但是我们有信 心,有理解的这个智慧,跟他接近-,是他的智慧,不是我的智慧。什么时候他的智慧把我的智慧引发起来,这叫什么?这叫豁然大悟。
by 净空法师
Drifting Away
Once you begin following after a thought, you lose touch with what’s happening in the here and now, and you begin imagining all sorts of fantasizes, judgments, memories, and hoer scenarios that may have nothing to do with he reality of present moment.
And the more you allow yourself to get caught up in this type of mental wandering, the easier it becomes to drift away from the openness of the present moment.
by Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche
And the more you allow yourself to get caught up in this type of mental wandering, the easier it becomes to drift away from the openness of the present moment.
by Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche
1) 施空:施者忘施,所施舍皆空也。(心内不见布施的我)
2) 受空:受者忘受,所受者化空也。(外不见受布施的人)
3) 物空:物者忘物,所施舍之物皆空也。(中不见布施的钱)
1) 施空:施者忘施,所施舍皆空也。(心内不见布施的我)
2) 受空:受者忘受,所受者化空也。(外不见受布施的人)
3) 物空:物者忘物,所施舍之物皆空也。(中不见布施的钱)
Through the Heart
The absolute truth cannot be realized within the domain of the ordinary mind.
And the path beyond the ordinary mind, all the great wisdom traditions have told us, is through the heart. This path of the heart is devotion.
by Sogyal Rinpoche
And the path beyond the ordinary mind, all the great wisdom traditions have told us, is through the heart. This path of the heart is devotion.
by Sogyal Rinpoche
The Worldly Way and Liberation
Some people die, some people almost die - that's how it is to be stuck in the way of the world. Worldly wisdom seeks after the senses and their objects. However wise it is, it's only wise in a worldly sense. No matter how appealing it is, it's only appealing in a worldly sense. However much happiness it is, it's only happiness in a worldly sense. It isn't the happiness of liberation; it won't free you from the world.
We have come to practice as monks in order to penetrate true wisdom, to rid ourselves of attachment. Practice to be free of attachment! Investigate the body, investigate everything around you until you become weary and fed up with it all and then dispassion will set in. Dispassion will not arise easily however, because you still don't see clearly.
We come and ordain - we study, we read, we practice, we meditate. We determine to make our minds resolute but it's hard to do. We resolve to do a certain practice, we say that we'll practice in this way - only a day or two goes by, maybe just a few hours pass and we forget all about it. Then we remember and try to make our minds firm again, thinking, ''This time I'll do it right!'' Shortly after that we are pulled away by one of our senses and it all falls apart again, so we have to start all over again! This is how it is.
Like a poorly built dam, our practice is weak. We are still unable to see and follow true practice. And it goes on like this until we arrive at true wisdom. Once we penetrate to the truth, we are freed from everything. Only peace remains.
Our minds aren't peaceful because of our old habits. We inherit these because of our past actions and thus they follow us around and constantly plague us. We struggle and search for a way out, but we're bound by them and they pull us back. These habits don't forget their old grounds. They grab onto all the old familiar things to use, to admire and to consume - that's how we live.
The sexes of man and woman - woman cause problems for men, men cause problems for women. That's the way it is, they are opposites. If men live together with men, then there's no trouble. If women live together with women, then there's no trouble. When a man sees a woman his heart pounds like a rice pounder, ''deung, dung, deung, dung, deung, dung''. What is this? What are those forces? It pulls and sucks you in - no one realizes that there's a price to pay!
It's the same in everything. No matter how hard you try to free yourself, until you see the value of freedom and the pain in bondage, you won't be able to let go. People usually just practice enduring hardships, keeping the discipline, following the form blindly and not in order to attain freedom or liberation. You must see the value in letting go of your desires before you can really practice; only then is true practice possible.
Everything that you do must be done with clarity and awareness. When you see clearly, there will no longer be any need for enduring or forcing yourself. You have difficulties and are burdened because you miss this point! Peace comes from doing things completely with your whole body and mind. Whatever is left undone leaves you with a feeling of discontent. These things bind you with worry wherever you go. You want to complete everything, but it's impossible to get it all done.
Take the case of the merchants who regularly come here to see me. They say, ''Oh, when my debts are all paid and property in order, I'll come to ordain''. They talk like that but will they ever finish and get it all in order? There's no end to it. They pay up their debts with another loan, they pay off that one and do it all again. A merchant thinks that if he frees himself from debt he will be happy, but there's no end to paying things off. That's the way worldliness fools us - we go around and around like this never realizing our predicament.
by Ajahn Chah
We have come to practice as monks in order to penetrate true wisdom, to rid ourselves of attachment. Practice to be free of attachment! Investigate the body, investigate everything around you until you become weary and fed up with it all and then dispassion will set in. Dispassion will not arise easily however, because you still don't see clearly.
We come and ordain - we study, we read, we practice, we meditate. We determine to make our minds resolute but it's hard to do. We resolve to do a certain practice, we say that we'll practice in this way - only a day or two goes by, maybe just a few hours pass and we forget all about it. Then we remember and try to make our minds firm again, thinking, ''This time I'll do it right!'' Shortly after that we are pulled away by one of our senses and it all falls apart again, so we have to start all over again! This is how it is.
Like a poorly built dam, our practice is weak. We are still unable to see and follow true practice. And it goes on like this until we arrive at true wisdom. Once we penetrate to the truth, we are freed from everything. Only peace remains.
Our minds aren't peaceful because of our old habits. We inherit these because of our past actions and thus they follow us around and constantly plague us. We struggle and search for a way out, but we're bound by them and they pull us back. These habits don't forget their old grounds. They grab onto all the old familiar things to use, to admire and to consume - that's how we live.
The sexes of man and woman - woman cause problems for men, men cause problems for women. That's the way it is, they are opposites. If men live together with men, then there's no trouble. If women live together with women, then there's no trouble. When a man sees a woman his heart pounds like a rice pounder, ''deung, dung, deung, dung, deung, dung''. What is this? What are those forces? It pulls and sucks you in - no one realizes that there's a price to pay!
It's the same in everything. No matter how hard you try to free yourself, until you see the value of freedom and the pain in bondage, you won't be able to let go. People usually just practice enduring hardships, keeping the discipline, following the form blindly and not in order to attain freedom or liberation. You must see the value in letting go of your desires before you can really practice; only then is true practice possible.
Everything that you do must be done with clarity and awareness. When you see clearly, there will no longer be any need for enduring or forcing yourself. You have difficulties and are burdened because you miss this point! Peace comes from doing things completely with your whole body and mind. Whatever is left undone leaves you with a feeling of discontent. These things bind you with worry wherever you go. You want to complete everything, but it's impossible to get it all done.
Take the case of the merchants who regularly come here to see me. They say, ''Oh, when my debts are all paid and property in order, I'll come to ordain''. They talk like that but will they ever finish and get it all in order? There's no end to it. They pay up their debts with another loan, they pay off that one and do it all again. A merchant thinks that if he frees himself from debt he will be happy, but there's no end to paying things off. That's the way worldliness fools us - we go around and around like this never realizing our predicament.
by Ajahn Chah
Competition is negative when we wish to defeat others, to bring them down in order to lift ourselves up.
by Dalai Lama
by Dalai Lama
by 证严法师
by 证严法师
1) 成劫
2) 住劫
又称续成劫。为器世间与众生世间安稳、持续之时期。此一时期,世界已成,人寿由无量岁渐次递减,至人寿 十岁,称为住劫中之第一中劫,此后之十八中劫亦皆一增一减,人寿从十岁增至八万四千岁,复由八万四千岁减至十岁。最后一中劫(第二十中劫)为增劫,即由十 岁增至八万四千岁。又据立世阿毗昙论载,诸佛之出现,多在减劫之时,其时人寿由八万四千岁减至百岁之间。
3) 坏劫
4) 空劫
1) 成劫
2) 住劫
又称续成劫。为器世间与众生世间安稳、持续之时期。此一时期,世界已成,人寿由无量岁渐次递减,至人寿 十岁,称为住劫中之第一中劫,此后之十八中劫亦皆一增一减,人寿从十岁增至八万四千岁,复由八万四千岁减至十岁。最后一中劫(第二十中劫)为增劫,即由十 岁增至八万四千岁。又据立世阿毗昙论载,诸佛之出现,多在减劫之时,其时人寿由八万四千岁减至百岁之间。
3) 坏劫
4) 空劫
Never Get Angry
Never get angry, even with someone who has deliberately and maliciously harmed you.
You should be grateful to such a person for helping you to purify past negative actions, to increase your determination to be free from samsara and to develop love and compassion.
by Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche
You should be grateful to such a person for helping you to purify past negative actions, to increase your determination to be free from samsara and to develop love and compassion.
by Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche
by 索达吉堪布
1) 自在义:是指出生一切所欲的自在圆满,《佛地经》中说:“谓诸如来,永不系属诸烦恼故,具自在义。”(就是由于如来永远不和烦恼系属的缘故,具有自在之义。这一条和藏传佛教解释的侧面有所不同。)
2) 炽盛义:是指如所有智与尽所有智的智慧圆满,《佛地经》中说:“焰猛智火所烧炼故,具炽盛义。”(以炽猛的智慧火烧炼的缘故,所以具有炽盛义。)
3) 端严义:是指三十二相、八十种好的形色圆满,《佛地经》中说:“三十二大士相等,所庄饰故,具庄严义。”(以三十二种大丈夫相等所严饰的缘故,所以具有庄严之义。)
4) 名称义:是指一切世间无不知晓的名称圆满,《佛地经》中说:“一切殊胜功德圆满,无不知故,具名称义。”(一切殊胜的功德圆满,一切世间全都知道,所以具有名称之义。)
5) 吉祥义:是指眷属等无量祥瑞圆满。《佛地经》中说:“一切世间亲近供养,咸称赞故,具吉祥义。”(一切世间都亲近、供养,都作称赞的缘故,所以具有吉祥之义。)
6) 尊贵义:就是能利乐有情的精进圆满。《佛地经》说:“具一切德,常起方便,利益安乐一切有情,无懈废故,具尊贵义。”(具足一切功德,恒时发起方便,利乐一切有情,没有半点懈怠、放弃等的缘故,所以具有尊贵之义。)
1) 自在义:是指出生一切所欲的自在圆满,《佛地经》中说:“谓诸如来,永不系属诸烦恼故,具自在义。”(就是由于如来永远不和烦恼系属的缘故,具有自在之义。这一条和藏传佛教解释的侧面有所不同。)
2) 炽盛义:是指如所有智与尽所有智的智慧圆满,《佛地经》中说:“焰猛智火所烧炼故,具炽盛义。”(以炽猛的智慧火烧炼的缘故,所以具有炽盛义。)
3) 端严义:是指三十二相、八十种好的形色圆满,《佛地经》中说:“三十二大士相等,所庄饰故,具庄严义。”(以三十二种大丈夫相等所严饰的缘故,所以具有庄严之义。)
4) 名称义:是指一切世间无不知晓的名称圆满,《佛地经》中说:“一切殊胜功德圆满,无不知故,具名称义。”(一切殊胜的功德圆满,一切世间全都知道,所以具有名称之义。)
5) 吉祥义:是指眷属等无量祥瑞圆满。《佛地经》中说:“一切世间亲近供养,咸称赞故,具吉祥义。”(一切世间都亲近、供养,都作称赞的缘故,所以具有吉祥之义。)
6) 尊贵义:就是能利乐有情的精进圆满。《佛地经》说:“具一切德,常起方便,利益安乐一切有情,无懈废故,具尊贵义。”(具足一切功德,恒时发起方便,利乐一切有情,没有半点懈怠、放弃等的缘故,所以具有尊贵之义。)
A Continous Journey
Don’t be in too much of a hurry to solve all your doubts and problems. As the masters say: “Make haste slowly.”
I always tell my students not to have unreasonable expectations, because it takes time for spiritual growth. It takes years to learn Japanese properly or to become a doctor. Can we really expect to have all the answers, let alone become enlightened, in a few weeks?
The spiritual journey is one of continuous learning and purification. When you know this, you become humble. There is a famous Tibetan saying: “Do not mistake understanding for realization, and do not mistake realization for liberation.”
And Milarepa said: “Do not entertain hopes for realization, but practice all your life.”
by Sogyal Rinpoche
I always tell my students not to have unreasonable expectations, because it takes time for spiritual growth. It takes years to learn Japanese properly or to become a doctor. Can we really expect to have all the answers, let alone become enlightened, in a few weeks?
The spiritual journey is one of continuous learning and purification. When you know this, you become humble. There is a famous Tibetan saying: “Do not mistake understanding for realization, and do not mistake realization for liberation.”
And Milarepa said: “Do not entertain hopes for realization, but practice all your life.”
by Sogyal Rinpoche
包容可以分成三个层次: 第一个层次,别人并没有打击或伤害你,只是对方能力比较强,如果你能欣赏他的长处,真心赞叹、尊敬对方,那就是包容。所谓「见贤思齐」,如果真能如此,你将来也会成为一个贤者。
第三个层次是最困难的。你对他无微不至地关心,但是他不仅不知感恩图报,还恩将仇报,在这种情形下还要包容对方,那的确是难上加难的事。 一般人大多只能做到第一个层次,第二个层次大概就很不容易了,更何况第三个层次。所以,真正的包容是相当不容易的,内心要接纳一个异己,就像眼里要容下一粒砂子般困难。
所谓异己,就是立场与自己不同的人,或是竞争者。 一般人在彼此对立的情况下,或是遇到比自己更强劲的对手时,就算对方不一定会打击你,你也会因为对方让自己相形逊色,而有妒嫉、打击、中伤对方等排拒的反应。
其实,如果能尊重、赞叹对方,反而能表现出「英雄惜英雄」的度量;只不过,要做到这样相当不简单。 包容虽然很难做到,但是包容对于净化心灵非常重要,如果能够包容他人,心量便能无限宽广,不再以自己的利益为主要考量。如果凡事都能为他人设想,自我中心就会少一点,也会少一点痛苦、少一点烦恼。
by 圣严法师
包容可以分成三个层次: 第一个层次,别人并没有打击或伤害你,只是对方能力比较强,如果你能欣赏他的长处,真心赞叹、尊敬对方,那就是包容。所谓「见贤思齐」,如果真能如此,你将来也会成为一个贤者。
第三个层次是最困难的。你对他无微不至地关心,但是他不仅不知感恩图报,还恩将仇报,在这种情形下还要包容对方,那的确是难上加难的事。 一般人大多只能做到第一个层次,第二个层次大概就很不容易了,更何况第三个层次。所以,真正的包容是相当不容易的,内心要接纳一个异己,就像眼里要容下一粒砂子般困难。
所谓异己,就是立场与自己不同的人,或是竞争者。 一般人在彼此对立的情况下,或是遇到比自己更强劲的对手时,就算对方不一定会打击你,你也会因为对方让自己相形逊色,而有妒嫉、打击、中伤对方等排拒的反应。
其实,如果能尊重、赞叹对方,反而能表现出「英雄惜英雄」的度量;只不过,要做到这样相当不简单。 包容虽然很难做到,但是包容对于净化心灵非常重要,如果能够包容他人,心量便能无限宽广,不再以自己的利益为主要考量。如果凡事都能为他人设想,自我中心就会少一点,也会少一点痛苦、少一点烦恼。
by 圣严法师
To Go First
It is positive to want to go first, provided the intention is to pave the way for others, make their path more easy, help them, or show the way.
by Dalai Lama
by Dalai Lama
“有”是拥有、具有,即佛拥六功德 ( 自在、炽盛、端严、名称、吉祥、尊贵 );
“有”是拥有、具有,即佛拥六功德 ( 自在、炽盛、端严、名称、吉祥、尊贵 );

by 净空法师
by 证严法师
by 证严法师