Dealing With Situation

I encourage you also to observe the thoughts and emotions you're having.

You may want to write some of them down. Don't judge them, just acknowledge them. Just observe what's happening inside of you. Accept the feelings. Let them be, but don't indulge in them or get locked into the stories behind them--the stories your conceptual mind is making up about how things should be.

After you've done that, begin to examine which thoughts and feelings are supported by ignorance, which by attachment, which by anger, which by loving-kindness, which by compassion, etc.

Check which are realistic and which are seeking something that cannot come to be.

Then ask, "What are other ways to look at these situations? How would Chenresig, the Buddha of Compassion, look at them? If Chenresig were in my shoes, how would he describe what is going on? What thoughts and feelings would he cultivate to deal with the situation?"

by Thubten Chodron


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